Sagway rental in Puglia, models and features

Discovery, fun and culture intertwine through the visit of Puglia with the Segway.



Segway i2, half of modern transport, balanced, intelligent, versatile, fun...

Can be used inside or outside ... is authorized by the Ministry of Transport for use on sidewalks and pedestrian areas (note 26702 of 3/20/07) ... try it!

As a modern chariot, with two parallel wheels, the Segway can move to places where a car or bicycle can not, including inside many stores, department stores, offices, businesses, airports, elevators and trains.

It allows you to avoid the rush hour traffic, but also the search for parking always full.

The pedestrian and environmentally friendly electric Segway i2, it works with batteries, is completely wireless, and intuitively moves in the direction that indicates your body, if you move further forward, if you move back to backs, just move the handlebar to turn right or the left.

The technology dell'i2 is, however, complex: a group of gyroscopic sensors monitor the absolute position of inclination of the vehicle and the driver with respect to the earth axis, and that relating to the ground, 100 times per second, while the rest of the system monitors an infinite series of values ​​as the speed, the adhesion, the temperature inside the Segway PT and of all the components, in order to maintain the Segway PT perfectly stable and the driver in complete safety.





The Segway x2 is rugged, durable and with an innovative design ... try it on the road less traveled!

Designed for off-road trails, as based on a tire with deep tread, scratch resistant fenders and a greater height from the ground, the Segway x2 will allow you to take land with grass, gravel, mud, etc...



SEGWAY - Rent a dimostration: from 20 to 30 minutes € 15,00 per person


Every Sunday, Segway experince in Polignano a Mare.

Reservations required by Friday

The Segway Tour Open di Puglia can be hired from any person, whether Italian or foreign, but the lessee, at its sole discretion, may refuse to rent the Segway people while drunk or under the influence of drugs, or other reasons.

The hiring of the Segway is intended as a demonstration of the rental longer than 45 minutes, designed to train the driver. A representative of Puglia tour will open the driver's training, overseeing the entire length of the lease.

The Segway tours may be made only by an adult (age> 16 years) and trained using the same or at least after a demonstration hiring and acquiring the knowledge needed to run the same, the Tour will take place anyway, presence of a representative of Puglia Open Tour.

How to Book

Booking a hire will be possible only if guaranteed by bank transfer, representing 50% of the cost of the service booked. The final balance will be required upon delivery of the Segway and before the start of the rental period.

Payment can be made by credit card, cash or bank transfer.

The hires made directly at our office in Polignano a Mare at number 13 of Via Roma, must be welded on site before the service.

In the case of rentals shorter than 1 day, the reservation must be confirmed at least 3 days before.


At the time of hire each person must:

  • leave a valid ID, and if the customer is under the age of 18 must also provide suitable proof of recognition of the parent or guardian;
  • leave a cash deposit, which will be refunded upon return of the Segway if it proves itself in perfect condition together with all the amenities provided at the beginning of the rental period, ie infokey controller, reflective jacket for evening and night tours;
  • communicate the address of the case of home delivery, along with a telephone number;
  • sign the "contract for the temporary use of the Segway."

Additional accessories such as helmets are available upon payment of a modest surcharge.

Use of on-hired

It 'absolutely mandatory use of helmets by users under the age of 14 years to be fastened under the chin so as to prevent slippage and / or loss of the same accident.

In the event that the customer note any shortage or damage to equipment or accessories provided by Open Tour Puglia, must report this information before using the Segway itself.

During the rental period, the user must follow the road signs, pedestrians and other vehicles and the rules of the Highway Code.

The user is at any time, anywhere, hires head of the Segway, including damage caused to himself, to the medium, to third parties and things.

In case of damage to parts and accessories of the Segway, you requested a refund of the part to the current price list and/or cost of repair.


Cancellations are possible with advance notice of 3 days or will incur a penalty of 100%;

Cancellations made within the time limit will still be subject to an administrative fee of 5 € for bookings up to 3 days and 15 € for booking more than 3.

Cancellation of delivery and collection services are subject to the above conditions.

Cancellations due to bad weather can be performed with the following conditions:

  • New reservation for a future date at no additional cost.
  • Good for the full amount for a future rental (valid for one year).

Puglia Open Tour is available to meet needs and demands, and hourly/daily or custom that can make your holiday comfortable optimizing time.

Reservetion request

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Rent prices


No. 1 BIKE
1 hour € 5,00
1/2 day € 15,00
1 day € 20,00
No. 1 BIKE
1 hour € 7,00
1/2 day € 20,00
1 day € 25,00
1 hour € 8,00
1/2 day € 20,00
1 day € 30,00
Cruiser Custom beach chopper harley
1 hour € 18,00
1/2 day € 45,00
1 day € 65,00
from 30 to 45 min € 15,00
our in Polignano a mare with map
(2 people)
2 ore € 20,00
Polignano a mare with a tour guide
(2 people)
2 ore € 50,00
Tours and excursions outside Polignano a mare from 100.00 €
(2 people)

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